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Membership Application

Dear Prospective Member: Please review our club’s Constitution and Bylaws before

completing this application. Then provide the information requested below regarding your

dog ownership and breeding records. If your activity is extensive, you may either provide a

random sampling or include details on a separate page. Our bylaws require that you must

be sponsored by two PHC members who are in good standing and from two separate

households. Fill out and sign your application then obtain the signatures of your sponsors,

and mail it along with a check for your dues ($35.00 per person per year or $50.00 per

family/household per year) to the club secretary.


After your application has been received, your information will be published in the next

PHC Newsletter. PHC members may provide a written input to the PHC Board regarding

your application within thirty (30 days) of the Newsletter. The Board will then vote on your

membership at the next Board meeting, and a two-thirds majority is necessary for election

as a member. If denied, you may re-apply after six months. (PHC By-laws Article II, Section

3 Election to Membership). If approved, you will be notified via email followed by an official

welcome letter, a copy of the Club’s Constitution and By-laws, the current Club

Membership Roster, and a PHC pin.


Potomac Hound Club in  Maryland and  Virginia

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